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利用我们的战略营销服务提升您品牌的知名度。从社交媒体活动到 SEO 优化、短信彩信营销,我们帮助您接触目标受众并在数字领域脱颖而出。


从尖端的移动应用程序到精美的网站、无缝的在线订购系统和高效的 SMS 集成,我们都能满足您的需求。无论您的数字需求是什么,我们都能提供超出预期的定制解决方案。使用集中式数据库架构来存储应用程序和网站之间共享的内容。这可确保在一个平台上进行的更新会立即反映在另一个平台上。




我们的团队精通各种平台和技术,确保您的项目得到妥善处理。无论是 iOS、Android、Web 开发还是定制系统,我们都会利用最新的工具和技术成功开发项目。


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  • 电子商务(B2B、B2C、C2C 等…)
  • 在线订单
  • 付款方式:Visa、Master、银联、支付宝、微信支付、PayPal、Square


  • 安卓系统 苹果系统 APP
  • 营销和社交应用
  • 办公室和任务管理
  • 电商APP


  • 企业资源规划 (ERP)
  • 客户关系
  • 管理(CRM)
  • 人力资源(HR)
  • 办公自动化(OA)


  • 战略活动策划
  • 个性化消息
  • 创意内容创作
  • 自动化活动
  • 合法合规

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SEO(搜索引擎优化)对于确保您的应用、网站和在线订购系统在搜索引擎结果中排名靠前、推动自然流量和知名度至关重要。以下是隆易科技如何增强您的 SEO 工作:

  1. 关键词研究:我们进行深入的关键词研究,以确定您所在行业中最相关且流量最高的关键词。通过定位正确的关键词,我们可以确保您的内容符合用户意图并在搜索结果中排名更高。
  2. 页面优化:我们的团队会优化您的应用、网站和在线订购系统的各个方面,包括元标记、标题、URL 和内容。我们确保您的内容结构易于搜索引擎抓取和理解,从而提高您获得更高排名的机会。
  3. 内容创建:我们创建高质量、引人入胜的内容,这些内容不仅能吸引您的目标受众,还能满足搜索引擎算法的要求。从博客文章和产品描述到应用描述和登录页面,我们精心制作的内容可以增加流量和转化率。
  4. 技术 SEO:我们的专家会优化您的应用、网站和在线订购系统的技术方面,以提高可抓取性、网站速度和移动友好度。我们会修复断开的链接、重复的内容和 XML 站点地图错误等问题,以确保流畅的用户体验和更好的搜索引擎排名。
  5. 链接建设:我们实施战略性链接建设策略,以提高您的应用程序、网站和在线订购系统的权威性和可信度。通过从信誉良好的来源获取高质量的反向链接,我们可以提高您的搜索引擎排名并为您的数字资产带来更多流量。
  6. 本地搜索引擎优化:对于以本地客户为目标的企业,我们会针对本地搜索查询优化您的应用、网站和在线订购系统。我们确保您的企业列表在在线目录中准确且一致,并且我们利用本地关键字来提高您在本地搜索结果中的可见度。
  7. 分析和报告:我们提供详细的分析和报告,以跟踪您的应用、网站和在线订购系统在搜索引擎结果中的表现。我们监控关键指标,例如自然流量、关键字排名和转化率,让您能够做出数据驱动的决策,以进一步优化您的 SEO 策略。

借助隆易科技的全面 SEO 服务,您可以充分发挥数字资产的潜力,实现有机搜索流量的可持续增长。让我们帮助您在搜索引擎排名中占据主导地位,并为您的企业吸引更多客户!


  1. 战略规划:我们首先制定符合您业务目标的定制社交媒体策略。无论您是想提高品牌知名度、增加网站流量还是提高销量,我们都会制定战略路线图来实现您的目标。
  2. 平台选择:我们根据您的目标受众、行业和目标,帮助您确定最适合您业务的社交媒体平台。无论是 Facebook、Instagram、Twitter、LinkedIn 还是 Pinterest,我们都会确保您出现在受众最活跃的平台上。
  3. 内容创作:我们的创意专业团队制作引人入胜、值得分享的内容,引起您的受众共鸣。从引人注目的图形和引人入胜的视频到信息丰富的博客文章和互动民意调查,我们精心制作的内容可以激发对话并推动参与。
  4. 社区管理:我们积极管理您的社交媒体渠道,及时专业地回复评论、消息和提及。我们与您的受众建立有意义的互动,建立对您品牌的信任和忠诚度。
  5. 付费广告:我们利用有针对性的社交媒体广告来覆盖您受众的特定部分并实现您的营销目标。无论是潜在客户开发、产品推广还是重新定位,我们都会优化您的广告活动以实现最大投资回报率。
  6. 影响者合作伙伴关系:我们寻找您所在行业的影响者和思想领袖并与他们合作,以扩大您的品牌影响力和可信度。我们建立战略合作伙伴关系,共同创作能引起受众共鸣的内容,提高品牌知名度和参与度。
  7. 分析和报告:我们提供详细的分析和报告来跟踪您的社交媒体工作的效果。从参与度指标和受众人口统计到转化率和投资回报率,我们衡量您的活动的影响,并使用数据驱动的见解不断优化您的策略。
  8. 社交聆听:我们监控与您的品牌、行业和竞争对手相关的社交媒体对话和趋势。通过了解人们对您的品牌的评价,我们可以发现参与、声誉管理和内容创作的机会。



  1. 概念开发:我们与您密切合作,了解您的目标、目标受众和关键信息。无论您是想制作宣传视频、产品演示、客户推荐还是品牌故事,我们都会构思出能引起您的受众共鸣并与您的目标相符的想法。
  2. 剧本创作:我们经验丰富的剧本创作者会精心创作引人入胜的故事,简洁有效地传达您的信息。我们专注于激发情感、激发好奇心和推动行动的讲故事技巧,确保您的视频给观众留下深刻印象。
  3. 故事板和前期制作:我们通过详细的故事板和前期制作规划将您的视频概念形象化。从场景构图和镜头序列到选角和地点勘察,我们精心规划制作过程的每个方面,以确保拍摄顺利高效。
  4. 专业制作团队:我们的团队由技艺精湛的摄像师、导演、电影摄影师和制作助理组成,他们拥有多年的行业经验。无论是捕捉令人惊叹的视觉效果、录制清晰的音频还是导演才华,我们都能确保您的视频拥有最高的制作质量。
  5. 高品质拍摄:我们使用最先进的设备和技术来拍摄超出行业标准的镜头。从高清摄像机和专业照明设备到无人机和稳定器,我们采用最新工具来提供视觉震撼的电影视频。
  6. 编辑和后期制作:我们才华横溢的视频编辑将原始素材转换成精美且引人入胜的视频。我们结合视觉效果、动态图形、音乐和音效来增强故事叙述,并创造与您的观众产生共鸣的连贯观看体验。
  7. 针对各种平台进行优化:我们针对不同的平台和设备优化您的视频,确保在桌面、移动设备和社交媒体渠道上实现兼容性和最佳观看体验。无论是 YouTube、Instagram、Facebook 还是您的网站,我们都会根据每个平台的规格定制您的视频。
  8. 分发和推广:我们帮助您分发和推广视频,以有效地吸引目标受众。无论是通过社交媒体、电子邮件营销和网站嵌入进行有机推广,还是付费广告活动,我们都会利用各种渠道来最大限度地提高视频的覆盖面和影响力。



  1. 品牌标识设计:我们首先创建或更新您的品牌标识,包括徽标、调色板、字体和视觉元素。我们的设计师与您密切合作,了解您品牌的个性和价值观,确保您的标识反映您的身份并引起目标受众的共鸣。
  2. 营销材料:我们设计各种营销材料来支持您的品牌推广活动,包括名片、小册子、传单、海报和横幅。无论是印刷品还是数字版,我们都能制作出视觉上引人注目的材料,吸引注意力并提高参与度。
  3. 网站设计:我们的网页设计师团队精心打造视觉效果出色、用户友好的网站,以提升您品牌的在线形象。从线框图和原型设计到 UI/UX 设计和响应式布局,我们确保您的网站不仅外观精美,而且还能提供直观、无缝的用户体验。
  4. 应用设计:我们专注于设计直观且外观精美的移动应用,以取悦用户并提高参与度。无论您开发的是原生 iOS 应用、Android 应用还是跨平台应用,我们都能创建直观、用户友好且与您的品牌形象相符的用户界面。
  5. 社交媒体图形:我们为您的社交媒体渠道设计引人注目的图形,以吸引注意力并鼓励参与。从个人资料横幅和封面照片到帖子、故事和广告,我们创建符合您品牌审美和信息传递的视觉震撼图形。
  6. 包装设计:我们通过富有创意和影响力的包装设计帮助您在货架和电子商务列表中留下难忘的印象。无论是产品包装、标签还是包装插页,我们都能设计出具有视觉吸引力的解决方案,以反映您的品牌身份和价值。
  7. 插图和信息图表:我们创建自定义插图和信息图表,以视觉上引人入胜的方式传达复杂的想法和信息。无论是解释流程、展示数据还是为您的内容增添视觉趣味,我们的插图和信息图表都能帮助您脱颖而出并产生影响。
  8. 品牌商品:我们设计品牌商品,例如 T 恤、帽子、马克杯和手提袋,这些商品可作为有效的促销工具,并帮助您扩大品牌的线下影响力。我们的设计师设计出视觉上吸引人的设计,人们喜欢穿着和使用,将您的客户变成品牌大使。


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Strategic Marketing:

Elevate your brand’s visibility with our strategic marketing services. From social media campaigns to SEO optimization, SMS MMS marketing, we help you reach your target audience and stand out in the digital landscape.

Comprehensive Solutions:

From cutting-edge mobile apps to stunning websites, seamless online ordering systems, and efficient SMS integrations, we’ve got you covered. Whatever your digital needs, we deliver tailored solutions that exceed expectations. Use a centralized database architecture that stores content shared between the app and website. This ensures that updates made in one platform are immediately reflected in the other.

Engaging Multimedia:

Captivate your audience with captivating videos and stunning graphics. Our multimedia experts craft compelling visual content that leaves a lasting impression, driving engagement and conversions.

Expertise Across Platforms:

Our team boasts expertise in diverse platforms and technologies, ensuring that your project is in capable hands. Whether it’s iOS, Android, web development, or custom systems, we leverage the latest tools and techniques to drive success.


$150&up/one time fee
  • E-commerce (B2B, B2C, C2C etc…)
  • Online Order
  • Payments: Visa, Master, UnionPay
    Alipay, Wechat Pay, PayPal, Square


$699&up/one time fee
  • Android IOS APP
  • Marketing & Social App
  • Office & Task Management
  • E-commerce APP


$999&up/one time fee
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
  • Customer Relationship
  • Management (CRM)
  • Human Resources (HR)
  • Office Automation (OA)


$0.05&up/one text
  • Strategic Campaign Planning
  • Personalized Messaging
  • Creative Content Creation
  • Automated Campaigns
  • Compliance and Regulations

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SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is crucial for ensuring that your app, website, and online ordering system rank high in search engine results, driving organic traffic and visibility. Here’s how ZenDev Studio can supercharge your SEO efforts:

  1. Keyword Research: We conduct in-depth keyword research to identify the most relevant and high-traffic keywords in your industry. By targeting the right keywords, we ensure that your content aligns with user intent and ranks higher in search results.
  2. On-Page Optimization: Our team optimizes every aspect of your app, website, and online ordering system, including meta tags, headings, URLs, and content. We ensure that your content is structured in a way that search engines can easily crawl and understand, boosting your chances of ranking higher.
  3. Content Creation: We create high-quality, engaging content that not only appeals to your target audience but also satisfies search engine algorithms. From blog posts and product descriptions to app descriptions and landing pages, we craft content that drives traffic and conversions.
  4. Technical SEO: Our experts optimize the technical aspects of your app, website, and online ordering system to improve crawlability, site speed, and mobile-friendliness. We fix issues such as broken links, duplicate content, and XML sitemap errors to ensure a smooth user experience and better search engine rankings.
  5. Link Building: We implement a strategic link building strategy to increase the authority and credibility of your app, website, and online ordering system. By acquiring high-quality backlinks from reputable sources, we improve your search engine rankings and drive more traffic to your digital properties.
  6. Local SEO: For businesses targeting local customers, we optimize your app, website, and online ordering system for local search queries. We ensure that your business listings are accurate and consistent across online directories, and we leverage local keywords to improve your visibility in local search results.
  7. Analytics and Reporting: We provide detailed analytics and reporting to track the performance of your app, website, and online ordering system in search engine results. We monitor key metrics such as organic traffic, keyword rankings, and conversion rates, allowing you to make data-driven decisions to further optimize your SEO strategy.

With ZenDev Studio’s comprehensive SEO services, you can unlock the full potential of your digital properties and achieve sustainable growth in organic search traffic. Let us help you dominate the search engine rankings and drive more customers to your business!

Social media is a cornerstone of modern digital marketing, and at ZenDev Studio, we offer comprehensive social media marketing services to help your business thrive in the digital landscape. Here’s how we can elevate your social media presence:

  1. Strategic Planning: We start by developing a tailored social media strategy aligned with your business objectives. Whether you’re looking to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, or boost sales, we craft a strategic roadmap to achieve your goals.
  2. Platform Selection: We help you identify the most relevant social media platforms for your business based on your target audience, industry, and objectives. Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Pinterest, we ensure that you’re present on the platforms where your audience is most active.
  3. Content Creation: Our team of creative professionals produces engaging and share-worthy content that resonates with your audience. From eye-catching graphics and captivating videos to informative blog posts and interactive polls, we craft content that sparks conversations and drives engagement.
  4. Community Management: We manage your social media channels actively, responding to comments, messages, and mentions in a timely and professional manner. We foster meaningful interactions with your audience, building trust and loyalty with your brand.
  5. Paid Advertising: We leverage targeted social media advertising to reach specific segments of your audience and achieve your marketing objectives. Whether it’s lead generation, product promotion, or retargeting, we optimize your ad campaigns for maximum ROI.
  6. Influencer Partnerships: We identify and collaborate with influencers and thought leaders in your industry to amplify your brand reach and credibility. We develop strategic partnerships and co-create content that resonates with their audience, driving brand awareness and engagement.
  7. Analytics and Reporting: We provide detailed analytics and reporting to track the performance of your social media efforts. From engagement metrics and audience demographics to conversion rates and ROI, we measure the impact of your campaigns and use data-driven insights to optimize your strategy continuously.
  8. Social Listening: We monitor social media conversations and trends relevant to your brand, industry, and competitors. By staying informed about what people are saying about your brand, we identify opportunities for engagement, reputation management, and content creation.

With ZenDev Studio’s comprehensive social media marketing services, you can build a strong online presence, connect with your audience authentically, and drive measurable results for your business. Let us help you unlock the full potential of social media for your brand!

At ZenDev Studio, we understand the power of video as a dynamic and engaging medium for storytelling and brand promotion. Our video production services are designed to help you captivate your audience, communicate your message effectively, and elevate your brand presence. Here’s how we can bring your vision to life through video:

  1. Concept Development: We collaborate closely with you to understand your goals, target audience, and key messages. Whether you’re looking to create a promotional video, product demonstration, customer testimonial, or brand story, we conceptualize ideas that resonate with your audience and align with your objectives.
  2. Scriptwriting: Our experienced scriptwriters craft compelling narratives that convey your message concisely and effectively. We focus on storytelling techniques that evoke emotion, spark curiosity, and drive action, ensuring that your video leaves a lasting impression on viewers.
  3. Storyboarding and Pre-production: We visualize your video concept through detailed storyboarding and pre-production planning. From scene compositions and shot sequences to casting and location scouting, we meticulously plan every aspect of the production process to ensure a smooth and efficient shoot.
  4. Professional Production Crew: Our team consists of skilled videographers, directors, cinematographers, and production assistants who bring years of industry experience to the table. Whether it’s capturing stunning visuals, recording crisp audio, or directing talent, we ensure the highest production quality for your video.
  5. High-Quality Filming: We use state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to capture footage that exceeds industry standards. From high-definition cameras and professional lighting setups to drones and stabilizers, we employ the latest tools to deliver visually stunning and cinematic videos.
  6. Editing and Post-production: Our talented video editors transform raw footage into polished and engaging videos. We incorporate visual effects, motion graphics, music, and sound effects to enhance the storytelling and create a cohesive viewing experience that resonates with your audience.
  7. Optimization for Various Platforms: We optimize your videos for different platforms and devices, ensuring compatibility and optimal viewing experiences across desktop, mobile, and social media channels. Whether it’s YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, or your website, we tailor your videos to each platform’s specifications.
  8. Distribution and Promotion: We help you distribute and promote your videos to reach your target audience effectively. Whether it’s organic promotion through social media, email marketing, and website embedding, or paid advertising campaigns, we leverage various channels to maximize the reach and impact of your videos.

With ZenDev Studio’s professional video production services, you can elevate your brand with captivating visuals, compelling storytelling, and memorable experiences that resonate with your audience. Let us help you bring your vision to life through the power of video!

Graphic design plays a vital role in conveying your brand’s identity, message, and values visually. At ZenDev Studio, we offer comprehensive graphic design services to help you stand out in a crowded marketplace and leave a lasting impression on your audience. Here’s how we can bring your brand to life through stunning visuals:

  1. Brand Identity Design: We start by creating or refreshing your brand identity, including logos, color palettes, typography, and visual elements. Our designers work closely with you to understand your brand’s personality and values, ensuring that your identity reflects who you are and resonates with your target audience.
  2. Marketing Collateral: We design a wide range of marketing collateral to support your brand’s promotional efforts, including business cards, brochures, flyers, posters, and banners. Whether it’s print or digital, we create visually compelling materials that grab attention and drive engagement.
  3. Website Design: Our team of web designers crafts visually stunning and user-friendly websites that enhance your brand’s online presence. From wireframing and prototyping to UI/UX design and responsive layouts, we ensure that your website not only looks great but also provides an intuitive and seamless user experience.
  4. App Design: We specialize in designing intuitive and visually appealing mobile apps that delight users and drive engagement. Whether you’re developing a native iOS app, Android app, or cross-platform app, we create user interfaces that are intuitive, user-friendly, and aligned with your brand’s identity.
  5. Social Media Graphics: We design eye-catching graphics for your social media channels to grab attention and encourage engagement. From profile banners and cover photos to posts, stories, and ads, we create visually stunning graphics that align with your brand’s aesthetic and messaging.
  6. Packaging Design: We help you make a memorable impression on shelves and in e-commerce listings with creative and impactful packaging designs. Whether it’s product packaging, labels, or packaging inserts, we design visually appealing solutions that reflect your brand’s identity and values.
  7. Illustrations and Infographics: We create custom illustrations and infographics that communicate complex ideas and information in a visually engaging way. Whether it’s explaining a process, showcasing data, or adding visual interest to your content, our illustrations and infographics help you stand out and make an impact.
  8. Branded Merchandise: We design branded merchandise such as t-shirts, hats, mugs, and tote bags that serve as effective promotional tools and help you extend your brand reach offline. Our designers create visually appealing designs that people love to wear and use, turning your customers into brand ambassadors.

With ZenDev Studio’s expertise in graphic design, you can elevate your brand with visually stunning and cohesive visuals that captivate your audience and drive results. Let us help you bring your brand’s vision to life through the power of design!

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Phone: 516-855-5188


Manhattan: 5o Broad St, New York, NY 10004
Flushing: 32-58 105 st, East Elmhurst NY 11369
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